Subproject 7 (Forestry)
- Begović, K., Rydval, M., Mikac, S., Čupić, S., Svobodova, K., Mikoláš, M., Kozák, D., Kameniar, O., Frankovič, M., Pavlin, J., Langbehn, T., & Svoboda, M. (2020). Climate-growth relationships of Norway Spruce and silver fir in primary forests of the Croatian Dinaric mountains. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 288–289, 108000.
- Björklund, J., von Arx, G., Nievergelt, D., Wilson, R., Van den Bulcke, J., Günther, B., Loader, N. J., Rydval, M., Fonti, P., Scharnweber, T., Andreu-Hayles, L., Büntgen, U., D’Arrigo, R., Davi, N., De Mil, T., Esper, J., Gärtner, H., Geary, J., Gunnarson, B. E., … Frank, D. (2019). Scientific Merits and Analytical Challenges of Tree-Ring Densitometry. Reviews of Geophysics, 57(4), 1224–1264.
- Blennow, K., Persson, J., Gon alves, L. M. S., Borys, A., Dutca, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Merganič, J., Merganičová, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., & Reyer, C. P. O. (2020). The role of beliefs, expectations and values in decision-making favoring climate change adaptation - Implications for communications with European forest professionals. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 114061.
- Čada, V., Trotsiuk, V., Janda, P., Mikoláš, M., Bače, R., Nagel, T. A., Morrissey, R. C., Tepley, A. J., Vostarek, O., Begović, K., Chaskovskyy, O., Dušátko, M., Kameniar, O., Kozák, D., Lábusová, J., Málek, J., Meyer, P., Pettit, J. L., Schurman, J. S., … Svoboda, M. (2020). Quantifying natural disturbances using a large-scale dendrochronological reconstruction to guide forest management. Ecological Applications, 30(8).
- D’Arrigo, R., Klinger, P., Newfield, T., Rydval, M., & Wilson, R. (2020). Complexity in crisis: The volcanic cold pulse of the 1690s and the consequences of Scotland’s failure to cope. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 389, 106746.
- del Río, M., Vergarechea, M., Hilmers, T., Alday, J. G., Avdagić, A., Binderh, F., Bosela, M., Dobor, L., Forrester, D. I., Halilović, V., Ibrahimspahić, A., Klopcic, M., Lévesque, M., Nagel, T. A., Sitkova, Z., Schütze, G., Stajić, B., Stojanović, D., Uhl, E., … Pretzsch, H. (2021). Effects of elevation-dependent climate warming on intra- and inter-specific growth synchrony in mixed mountain forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118587.
- Dinca, L., Onet, A., Samuel, A. D., Tognetti, R., Uhl, E., Bosela, M., Gömöryová, E., Bielak, K., Skrzyszewski, J., Hukic, E., Zlatanov, T., De-Dios-garcía, J., Tonon, G., Giammarchi, F., Svoboda, M., Dobor, L., Rolando, L., Rauseo, J., Pescatore, T., … Grenni, P. (2021). Microbial soil biodiversity in beech forests of european mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(12), 1833–1845.
- Frankovič, M., Janda, P., Mikoláš, M., Čada, V., Kozák, D., Pettit, J. L., Nagel, T. A., Buechling, A., Matula, R., Trotsiuk, V., Gloor, R., Dušátko, M., Kameniar, O., Vostarek, O., Lábusová, J., Ujházy, K., Synek, M., Begović, K., Ferenčík, M., & Svoboda, M. (2021). Natural dynamics of temperate mountain beech-dominated primary forests in Central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118522.
- Friess, N., Müller, J. C., Aramendi, P., Bässler, C., Brändle, M., Bouget, C., Brin, A., Bussler, H., Georgiev, K. B., Gil, R., Gossner, M. M., Heilmann-Clausen, J., Isacsson, G., Krištín, A., Lachat, T., Larrieu, L., Magnanou, E., Maringer, A., Mergner, U., … Seibold, S. (2019). Arthropod communities in fungal fruitbodies are weakly structured by climate and biogeography across European beech forests. Diversity and Distributions, 25(5), 783–796.
- Hilmers, T., Avdagi, A., Bartkowicz, L., Bielak, K., Binder, F., Bonina, A., Dobor, L., Forrester, D. I., Hobi, M. L., Ibrahimspahi, A., Jaworski, A., Klopi, M., Matovi, B., Nagel, T. A., Petr, R., Del Rio, M., Staji, B., Uhl, E., Zlatanov, T., … Pretzsch, H. (2020). The productivity of mixed mountain forests comprised of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, and Abies alba across Europe. Forestry, 92(5), 512–522.
- Janda, P., Tepley, A. J., Schurman, J. S., Brabec, M., Nagel, T. A., Bače, R., Begovič, K., Chaskovskyy, O., Čada, V., Dušátko, M., Frankovič, M., Kameniar, O., Kozák, D., Lábusová, J., Langbehn, T., Málek, J., Mikoláš, M., Nováková, M. H., Svobodová, K., … Svoboda, M. (2019). Drivers of basal area variation across primary late-successional Picea abies forests of the Carpathian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management, 435, 196–204.
- Janda, P., Ukhvatkina, O. N., Vozmishcheva, A. S., Omelko, A. M., Doležal, J., Krestov, P. V., Zhmerenetsky, A. A., Song, J. S., & Altman, J. (2021). Tree canopy accession strategy changes along the latitudinal gradient of temperate Northeast Asia. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(3), 738–748.
- Kameniar, O., Baláž, M., Svitok, M., Reif, J., Mikoláš, M., Pettit, J. L., Keeton, W. S., Pettit, J. M., Vostarek, O., Langbehn, T., Trotsiuk, V., Morelli, F., Frankovič, M., Kozák, D., Janda, P., Čada, V., Ferenčík, M., Málek, J., Begovič, K., … Svoboda, M. (2021). Historical natural disturbances shape spruce primary forest structure and indirectly influence bird assemblage composition. Forest Ecology and Management, 481, 118647.
- Keren, S., Svoboda, M., Janda, P., & Nagel, T. A. (2020). Relationships between structural indices and conventional stand attributes in an old-growth forest in Southeast Europe. Forests, 11(1), 4.
- Kjučukov, P., Hofmeister, J., Bače, R., Vítková, L., & Svoboda, M. (2022). The effects of forest management on biodiversity in the Czech Republic: An overview of biologists’ opinions. IForest, 15(3), 187–196.
- Klinga, P., Mikoláš, M., Delegan, I. V., Dănilă, G., Urban, P., Paule, L., & Kaňuch, P. (2020). Temporal landscape genetic data indicate an ongoing disruption of gene flow in a relict bird species. Conservation Genetics, 21(2), 329–340.
- Klinga, P., Mikoláš, M., Smolko, P., Tejkal, M., Höglund, J., & Paule, L. (2019). Considering landscape connectivity and gene flow in the Anthropocene using complementary landscape genetics and habitat modelling approaches. Landscape Ecology, 34(3), 521–536.
- Kozák, D., Mikoláš, M., Svitok, M., Bače, R., Paillet, Y., Larrieu, L., Nagel, T. A., Begovič, K., Čada, V., Diku, A., Frankovič, M., Janda, P., Kameniar, O., Keren, S., Kjučukov, P., Lábusová, J., Langbehn, T., Málek, J., Mikac, S., … Svoboda, M. (2018). Profile of tree-related microhabitats in European primary beech-dominated forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 429, 363–374.
- Kozák, D., Svitok, M., Wiezik, M., Mikoláš, M., Thorn, S., Buechling, A., Hofmeister, J., Matula, R., Trotsiuk, V., Bače, R., Begovič, K., Čada, V., Dušátko, M., Frankovič, M., Horák, J., Janda, P., Kameniar, O., Nagel, T. A., Pettit, J. L., … Svoboda, M. (2021). Historical Disturbances Determine Current Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity of Saproxylic Beetle Communities in Temperate Primary Forests. Ecosystems, 24(1), 37–55.
- Lábusová, J., Morrissey, R. C., Trotsiuk, V., Janda, P., Bače, R., Cada, V., Mikoláš, M., Mrhalová, H., Schurman, J. S., Svobodová, K., Mateju, L., Synek, M., & Svoboda, M. (2019). Patterns of forest dynamics in a secondary old-growth beech-dominated forest in the jizera mountains beech forest reserve, Czech republic. IForest, 12(1), 17–26.
- Langbehn, T., Hofmeister, J., Svitok, M., Mikoláš, M., Matula, R., Halda, J., Svobodová, K., Pouska, V., Kameniar, O., Kozák, D., Janda, P., Čada, V., Bače, R., Frankovič, M., Vostarek, O., Gloor, R., & Svoboda, M. (2021). The impact of natural disturbance dynamics on lichen diversity and composition in primary mountain spruce forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32(5).
- Lantschner, M. V., Corley, J. C., & Liebhold, A. M. (2020). Drivers of global Scolytinae invasion patterns. Ecological Applications, 30(5).
- Larrieu, L., Cabanettes, A., Courbaud, B., Goulard, M., Heintz, W., Kozák, D., Kraus, D., Lachat, T., Ladet, S., Müller, J., Paillet, Y., Schuck, A., Stillhard, J., & Svoboda, M. (2021). Co-occurrence patterns of tree-related microhabitats: A method to simplify routine monitoring. Ecological Indicators, 127, 107757.
- Mikoláš, M., Svitok, M., Bače, R., Meigs, G. W., Keeton, W. S., Keith, H., Buechling, A., Trotsiuk, V., Kozák, D., Bollmann, K., Begovič, K., Čada, V., Chaskovskyy, O., Ralhan, D., Dušátko, M., Ferenčík, M., Frankovič, M., Gloor, R., Hofmeister, J., … Svoboda, M. (2021). Natural disturbance impacts on trade-offs and co-benefits of forest biodiversity and carbon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1961).
- Mikoláš, M., Ujházy, K., Jasík, M., Wiezik, M., Gallay, I., Polák, P., Vysoký, J., Čiliak, M., Meigs, G. W., Svoboda, M., Trotsiuk, V., & Keeton, W. S. (2019). Primary forest distribution and representation in a Central European landscape: Results of a large-scale field-based census. Forest Ecology and Management, 449, 117466.
- Pavlin, J., Nagel, T. A., Svitok, M., Pettit, J. L., Begović, K., Mikac, S., Dikku, A., Toromani, E., Panayotov, M., Zlatanov, T., Haruta, O., Dorog, S., Chaskovskyy, O., Mikoláš, M., Janda, P., Frankovič, M., Rodrigo, R., Vostarek, O., Synek, M., … Svoboda, M. (2021). Disturbance history is a key driver of tree life span in temperate primary forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32(5).
- Requier, F., Paillet, Y., Laroche, F., Rutschmann, B., Zhang, J., Lombardi, F., Svoboda, M., & Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2020). Contribution of European forests to safeguard wild honeybee populations. Conservation Letters, 13(2).
- Rydval, M., Druckenbrod, D. L., Svoboda, M., Trotsiuk, V., Janda, P., Mikoláš, M., Čada, V., Bače, R., Teodosiu, M., & Wilson, R. (2018). Influence of sampling and disturbance history on climatic sensitivity of temperature-limited conifers. Holocene, 28(10), 1574–1587.
- Sabatini, F. M., Burrascano, S., Keeton, W. S., Levers, C., Lindner, M., Pötzschner, F., Verkerk, P. J., Bauhus, J., Buchwald, E., Chaskovsky, O., Debaive, N., Horváth, F., Garbarino, M., Grigoriadis, N., Lombardi, F., Marques Duarte, I., Meyer, P., Midteng, R., Mikac, S., … Kuemmerle, T. (2018). Where are Europe’s last primary forests? Diversity and Distributions, 24(10), 1426–1439.
- Saulnier, M., Schurman, J., Vostarek, O., Rydval, M., Pettit, J., Trotsiuk, V., Janda, P., Bače, R., Björklund, J., & Svoboda, M. (2020). Climatic drivers of Picea growth differ during recruitment and interact with disturbance severity to influence rates of canopy replacement. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287, 107981.
- Seedre, M., Janda, P., Trotsiuk, V., Hedwall, P. O., Morrissey, R. C., Mikoláš, M., Bače, R., Čada, V., & Svoboda, M. (2020). Biomass carbon accumulation patterns throughout stand development in primary uneven-aged forest driven by mixed-severity natural disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management, 455, 117676.
- Spînu, A. P., Petri?an, I. C., Mikoláš, M., Janda, P., Vostarek, O., Čada, V., & Svoboda, M. (2020). Moderate-to high-severity disturbances shaped the structure of primary picea abies (L.) karst. forest in the southern carpathians. Forests, 11(12), 1–17.
- Svobodová, K., Langbehn, T., Björklund, J., Rydval, M., Trotsiuk, V., Morrissey, R. C., Čada, V., Janda, P., Begovič, K., Ágh-Lábusová, J., Schurman, J. S., Nováková, M., Kozák, D., Kameniar, O., Synek, M., Mikoláš, M., & Svoboda, M. (2019). Increased sensitivity to drought across successional stages in natural Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests of the Calimani Mountains, Romania. Trees - Structure and Function, 33(5), 1345–1359.
- Vítková, L., Bače, R., Kjučukov, P., & Svoboda, M. (2018). Deadwood management in Central European forests: Key considerations for practical implementation. Forest Ecology and Management, 429, 394–405.
- Zohner, C. M., Mo, L., Renner, S. S., Svenning, J. C., Vitasse, Y., Benito, B. M., Ordonez, A., Baumgarten, F., Bastin, J. F., Sebald, V., Reich, P. B., Liang, J., Nabuurs, G. J., De-Migueln, S., Alberti, G., Antón-Fernández, C., Balazy, R., Brändli, U. B., Chen, H. Y. H., … Crowther, T. W. (2020). Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America but increased in Europe and Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(22), 12192–12200.