Intermittent outbreaks of the Panolis flammea in Europe have become an object of the Subprogramme 3 research which is presented in the recent Agricultural and Forest Entomology article.
As dr. Musiolek, the leading scientist of the research, introduced, the details on the metabolic activity and cold hardiness of P. flammea during the overwintering period have not been thoroughly studied yet. Thus, the Research team assessed O2 consumption and the supercooling point (SCP) of P. flammea in late November, mid-February, and mid-March as well as the influence of soil humidity under fluctuating temperatures and with brief exposures to two increased temperature regimes.
The results of the research highlight that P. flammea requires more energy during dry and mild winters than in wet and cold winters. Such information indicates that the winter diapause termination and post-diapause development could be accelerated with environmental warming and drought increase.
The Subprogramme 3 researchers therefore believe that the results bring important piece of data for the pest monitoring and risk assessment models including those of Climate change effects.
For more information read the full article here.
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