Members of the Subprogramme 9 of the EVA4.0 project contributed to the research of the totora plant properties last year which is seen as perspective future eco-material.
Green chemistry aims to replace dangerous solvents with DES
Subprogramme 3 deals with research on the oak pinhole borer, Platypus cylindrus
CZU FFWS became the 2nd Czech organization registered as publishing institution on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
These findings should indicate the effect of the geomagnetic storms on stress reactions in domestic dogs.
The bioeconomy responds to the economic and societal challenges including lack of resources, replacement of fossil fuels...
The final External Advisory Board (EAB) meeting of the EVA4.0 project will be held on 30th of March 2023.
Concept of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) is being developed
Due to the large-scale bark beetle outbreak triggered by hot and dry weather, the Czech Republic has become Europe's disturbance epicenter.
Intermittent outbreaks of the Panolis flammea in Europe have become an object of the Subprogramme 3 research...
Three custom-made pressure chambers were accuired for studying the influence of atmosferic pressure on ogranisms
The University of Sopron in Hungary held between 12 and 14th of October 2022 the 10th Hardwood Conference.
Glued laminated timber (GLT) is a modern structural wood-based material formed by gluing of at least two parallel lamellas.
Sub-programme 1 led by Professor Burda was supported by OP VVV to receive a modern vibratom of the Leica brand for its activities.
Deputy of EVA4.0 project shared performed at webinar “Digital University – Science and Research in Digital Age”.
Researchers from the Center of Excellent Research EVA4.0 (SP 5 and 6) of the FFWS of the CZU in Prague researched the possibilities of forest stands scanning using new and generally available...
EAB will be held on 25th of November 2021 in online form
Miroslav Gašparík, Elham Karami, Anil Kumar Sethy and Milan Gaff were examining the effect of substantial temperature change to screwed joints.
Researchers’ Night, an event that, for one evening, brings life to hundreds of science buildings that no ordinary mortal can enter.
Natalia Lakovenko from the excellent EVA research team was part of the team that discovered and subsequently examined a 24,000-year-old living multicellular organism living in soil.
Our scientists from SP2 published an excellent publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences (IF 5,35; Nature index journal).
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